Day 14 : Not AS Lazy, But Pretty Lazy

You like that post from yesterday? The one that just said "lazy" and nothing else? That was cool, huh? I posted that from bed, from my iPhone, because all I wanted to do was read Moby Dick in bed and I just didn't want to let one day go by without posting. Totally accomplished! It counts even if it's one word.

Oddly enough, there doesn't seem to be an iPhone app for Blogger/Blogspot. Whaaa? That just doesn't seem right. Because this whole thing would be a lot easier if there were one; trying to navigate this in my phone's browser sucks.

My mom is doing well, still in a lot of pain, but hanging in there, thank God. I, on the other hand, am broke. I'm about to transfer $200 from my savings into my checking account, something I hate to do and rarely do, but I have no choice. Being poor makes me sad. I'm not exaggerating, I'm poor. I'm am living below the poverty line. Have any idea what that is like? Let me tell you, it's not as hard as it sounds, but it still sucks. One of these days I might break it down for you, what I make a month and what I spend a month on bills. I usually have about $300 left over after paying all my bills to buy food, gas, and whatever else I need. Good thing I work close to where I live or the gas might drive me under. I do live paycheck to paycheck, I only usually get about $50 a month into savings, if I am lucky, that is, and have any money left over. You know what the hardest part is, as trite as it sounds? Not being able to take vacations with Squido. When I was a kid, my mom took me on vacations all the time - twice a year at least. In the summer we would go to Cape Cod or Block Island, in the winters we would go to Disneyworld. On weekends she'd take me to Boston to the children's museum and the Boston Aquarium, or we would go to fairs, the circus... it was great. I had a great childhood, and I wish I could give Squido the kind of fun times that I had, but I can't afford it. My grandparents live in Florida only two hours away from Orlando, and they keep asking me to bring Squido down to see them this year, and I just don't know how I can. I don't know if I want to spend my tax return on it. To take a weeks vacation is missing a week's work, so I'd be behind on bills, and the stress of that... would it make it worth it?

You know what? I don't feel like complaining today. I had a good day. I'm going to just stop now.


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