Day 14 : Not AS Lazy, But Pretty Lazy

You like that post from yesterday? The one that just said "lazy" and nothing else? That was cool, huh? I posted that from bed, from my iPhone, because all I wanted to do was read Moby Dick in bed and I just didn't want to let one day go by without posting. Totally accomplished! It counts even if it's one word.

Oddly enough, there doesn't seem to be an iPhone app for Blogger/Blogspot. Whaaa? That just doesn't seem right. Because this whole thing would be a lot easier if there were one; trying to navigate this in my phone's browser sucks.

My mom is doing well, still in a lot of pain, but hanging in there, thank God. I, on the other hand, am broke. I'm about to transfer $200 from my savings into my checking account, something I hate to do and rarely do, but I have no choice. Being poor makes me sad. I'm not exaggerating, I'm poor. I'm am living below the poverty line. Have any idea what that is like? Let me tell you, it's not as hard as it sounds, but it still sucks. One of these days I might break it down for you, what I make a month and what I spend a month on bills. I usually have about $300 left over after paying all my bills to buy food, gas, and whatever else I need. Good thing I work close to where I live or the gas might drive me under. I do live paycheck to paycheck, I only usually get about $50 a month into savings, if I am lucky, that is, and have any money left over. You know what the hardest part is, as trite as it sounds? Not being able to take vacations with Squido. When I was a kid, my mom took me on vacations all the time - twice a year at least. In the summer we would go to Cape Cod or Block Island, in the winters we would go to Disneyworld. On weekends she'd take me to Boston to the children's museum and the Boston Aquarium, or we would go to fairs, the circus... it was great. I had a great childhood, and I wish I could give Squido the kind of fun times that I had, but I can't afford it. My grandparents live in Florida only two hours away from Orlando, and they keep asking me to bring Squido down to see them this year, and I just don't know how I can. I don't know if I want to spend my tax return on it. To take a weeks vacation is missing a week's work, so I'd be behind on bills, and the stress of that... would it make it worth it?

You know what? I don't feel like complaining today. I had a good day. I'm going to just stop now.

Day 13 : Lazy

Day 12 : On Organs and Such

Well, things didn't go well for my mom today. She's a moron, and she waited way too long to take care of a problem she knew she had. She first started getting pains in her gallbladder at least four months ago, was told that she should schedule a surgery to get it removed...and she didn't. Two more trips to the ER, the last one was this past Wednesday, and still she goes home in the wee hours of the morning rather than waiting to be admitted on first shift, because my sister was supposed to be flying out to California with some friends on Saturday, and she wanted to wait to schedule anything til she was gone. Well, Monday morning she drives herself to the ER, and get this, she left the house FIVE MINUTES AFTER MY DAD LEFT FOR WORK, because she didn't want to bother him about it. !!!

So today my mom spiked a fever of 102, they finally take her into surgery at three pm, and at quarter after five when my dad finally calls me at work to tell me how things went, he tells me that the artery supplying blood to her gallbladder was completely blocked off, there was NO bloodflow to the organ, and it had died. It was dead. It had necrosis and was rotting in her body. So, the simple laproscopic surgery turned into cutting her open some more so they could it out, and then clean out her abdominal cavity to make sure none of the icky infection spread. I went to go visit her late tonight, and they aren't going to let her out of the hospital until her fever is gone and they can make sure she fights off the infection. It was still 102 when I left.


I think the moral of the story is - something I have known and believed in for quite a long time - when you have PAIN in your body, that's your body telling you that something is very, very wrong. We shouldn't have pain! Ever! The slightest pain is telling you that there is harm, however slight or severe, coming to your body, so DON'T IGNORE IT!

The doctor apparently shook his head at my dad and said "She really should have come in and done this sooner," like he knew that she knew waiting was a bad idea. Ugh, it's so annoying, because I love my mom so much, SO MUCH, and I couldn't bear to lose her. It just pisses me off that she is careless with her health, and I really feel like saying so, like she needs to hear it.

On a lighter note, my mom was so over-the-moon on morphine when I saw her post-op, she was saying crazy things. I asked her if they had talked about when they were going to be getting her up out of bed and she said:

"Oh, I already got up out of bed, I had to pee in the operating room so I got up and went to the bathroom."

My dad and I just gave each other a raised eyebrow look and said "Okaaaaaay."

Later, we were talking about my gallbladder surgery and she said, her voice SO slurred: "They didn't do to me what they did to you."

"What was that?" I asked her.

"They didn't take out my appendix too."


I said "Whaaat?"

And she said "Yeah, they took your appendix out, you don't need it anyway they always take it out when you get your gallbladder out, but they don't do that anymore."

Well, if my surgeon snatched my appendix when I wasn't looking, this is the first I heard about it.

I think it was just the morphine talking, so I am going to ask her again tomorrow when she (hopefully) is feeling a little better, but dang. It's making me wonder whether I should call my doctor or not, and ask whether I was robbed of an organ, useless one or not.

Day 11 : Quickly, Quickly!

Very quick post tonight, here are the highlights of my day:

  • At work, I found out from my hired design team that the design and programming were totally finished, so basically that means the new store is ready to go live as soon as I upload all of my spreadsheets, write blurbs for each section page, and pick out featured items. I would say that would normally be two days of work. I was so excited to hear it! I was psyched to be almost ready and couldn't wait to get started uploading my spreadsheets and working with the new backend/design on the store! But then, however..
  • As soon as I got off the phone with the programmer, I heard from my sister that my mother was being admitted to the hospital to have her gallbladder removed. This isn't such a surprise, she was actually supposed to call and make an appointment with a surgeon today to schedule the operation, but evidently the pain got too bad this morning and mom drove herself to the ER, that stubborn woman, and DIDN'T THINK TO CALL ME ALL DAY! So I left work three hours early, drove to the hospital, and tried to chew her out for not letting me know what was going on, but she was too doped up on morphine to seem to care. As of now (9.50pm) I still don't know exactly when her surgery is going to be, other than sometime tomorrow afternoon.
With all that said, I have to get the heck off my blog and get down to work to try to make up for some of the hours I missed today. Thank God my awesome, amazing boss lets me put in some hours at home... phew! And my internet is wonky, so hopefully this will post! Catch you all (all none of you) tomorrow!

Day 10 : Kids These Days

I'm still really annoyed with the internet connection problem, and the fact that I didn't have one yesterday. Granted I only wrote a short post because I had a very full day, still. There's this thing I'm trying to do here.

Anyway, Squido got droppd off at nine and we shortly thereafter went to my friend Brit's house. Brit has a daughter about the same age as Squido and they have been playing together at least once a month since they were babies, but evidently in the last month or so, Squido has lost her ability to share. Scratch that. She's lost her ability to be sweet, reasonable, kind, and good. They fought most of the day, which I wasn't surprised about at all. I was just surprised that Squido actually let me hold Brit's baby, a two month old boy! I was sure Squido would be completely jealous and not let me get near him, but my god, she actually gave me a break for two seconds and excused the fact I was holding another child. Thought the day would never come.

However, the day went completely downhill from there. Squido walked through our door after leaving Brits, and immediatley went into meltdown mode, and every little thing she said came out as a whine for the rest of the night. That's right, from about 3pm til now, 8pm, whine whine cry cry whine scream cry tantrum whine scream scream scream cry whine whine. You get the idea? Is this normal? Moms out there, please answer me! Is it normal for a 3.5 year old girl do nothing but argue and cry and whine FOR NO REASON? Or is my child broken. I just want to find the right people to go to, raise my hand and say: "I'm sorry, there must be some mistake. I thought this was a child, but evidently it's a whine-demon." Remember a few posts ago when I told you how Squido's vocabulary was exploding and she knew all sorts of new big words and could use them correctly? Today I heard (multiple times) "I DON'T LIKE YOU ANYMORE, MOMMY!!" And yes, caps were required, because she screamed it at me. Every single time.

I think it's that time I leave my history books behind and go hardcore into parenting books until I find a way to figure her out. I am not sure how much longer either of us can live in the misery that is her moods. I really hate that I feel like resorting to parenting-help books to figure out how to raise my child, but there are no bones being thrown at me here, it's all just a guessing game and all my guesses are wrong.

Does anyone have any books or articles you could recommend to me to help me out with dealing with a willful, disobediant 3.5 year old? Or, could you start off by telling me whether at 3.5 years of age I should expect even a little bit of obedience, of listening to what I tell her and having her do it?

Please. Help. Me.

Day 9 : Doctor's Note From AT&T

To whom it may concern:
Ms. Anonymous could not get her post online on Saturday, August 1, because her internet connection was down. This is due to the fact that AT&T totally sucks her balls, and she loses service completely at least once a week, even though she pays a hefty $50 a month for said internet service. Ms. Anonymous has since given me, AT&T, an ass whooping, and now we are back to our regularly scheduled posting.
Here is the post I wrote yesterday, damn AT&T!!!

So far today has been a better day than most I have had lately, and it's not over yet! Squido's grandmother has been watching her since one this afternoon, and in that time, I have done the following things:
  • Walked downtown to my favorite coffee shop and unexpectedly met up with a bunch of my friends
  • Walked to the Tavern for a lunchtime beer and delicious cheeseburger - only costing me $6.00!!! Woohoo what a steal!
  • Walked farther downtown with two friends, windowshopping and playing tourist in our own town. I bought three things on our journey: A wallet made by women in Ghana out of plastic bags from the Free Trade Store, a string of flat green shells I want to hang in my room, and a teeshirt from the Salvation Army store that has Abe Lincoln on it. SCORE!
  • Then walked back to the coffee shop, had some delish fruity iced tea
  • Met up with some different friends
  • Convinced friends that it would be the perfect day to go to Friendly's because they are having the meal, drink, and dessert deal for $9.99
  • Friends catered to my whim regarding the food
  • Came home, have had two beers and am watching XFiles.
A great day so far! I may or may not go out to the bar tonight. I am not sure if I feel like it because I have a bit of a headache and I know Squido's grandmother is dropping her off at nine in the morning and I am not going to get much sleep if I do go out, and then not have a very good day tomorrow. Anyway, a friend of mine is coming over here now so I must sign off and be better company to him.